
Ongoing tax advisory

Years of collaboration with our Clients and the relationships we’ve cultivated have taught us that the key to effective and efficient consulting is to understand our Clients’ expectations and goals, as well as the economic realities of their operations.

Our ongoing service to a wide range of industries, including automotive, transportation and logistics, construction and development, industrial production, IT and marketing, hospitality, and waste management, has given us unique experience and insight into the unique needs of business owners in each sector.

Our experts can assist you not only with day-to-day tax matters (CIT, PIT, PCC, real estate tax) but also with more complex issues such as transactions, investments, and reorganizations.

We offer consulting services through ongoing tax advisory (tax subscription) and project-specific assistance tailored to your unique needs.

The form and scope of our collaboration are always customized to the Client’s needs.

We prioritize long-term partnerships based on strong relationships. We believe that this approach enables us to provide our Clients with the highest level of tax security, resulting in effective and efficient business operations.

Tax audit

Conducting an independent review of tax settlements is a crucial element of a company’s tax security.

Tax audits performed by us aim to identify risks, detect and eliminate errors, and make recommendations for the implementation of corrective measures. In the case of long-term cooperation, this is the most effective way to gain insights into the tax operations of the Client’s business. This results in more effective tax advice on current issues, transaction advice and reorganizations, as well as helps to develop tax strategy and increase tax security.

The scope and format of each tax audit is determined individually with each Client. It can cover current as well as closed accounting periods. We can audit not only PIT/CIT/VAT settlements, but also HR and payroll settlements or real estate tax.

Our experts carry out audits both remotely (online) and on-site, collaborating closely with the accounting staff and delving into the necessary files.

As tax advisors, we also actively participate in due diligence, thoroughly examining organizations from both tax and financial perspectives before our Clients make investment decisions or enter into contracts.

Tax relief

Through years of practice, we have learned that finding ways to save on taxes doesn’t need to involve complex and often risky optimization efforts on the part of our Clients.

We encourage our existing and new Clients to leverage solutions explicitly outlined in Polish regulations, enabling them to effectively reduce their tax burden.

Since 2022, Polish law provides effective measures such as R&D relief, IP Box relief, and other innovation-related reliefs, allowing our Clients to save tens of millions of zlotys.

Our seasoned experts will thoroughly analyse the possibilities of implementing these reliefs in your company and estimate the potential tax benefits. We work holistically, offering preliminary analyses, protective measures (KIS interpretations), implementation of selected solutions, assistance in filing returns, and communication with tax authorities.

Transfer pricing (TP)

With significant changes in transfer pricing regulations, it’s more important than ever for taxpayers dealing with related parties to remain vigilant. This applies to both documentation obligations and new information obligations (particularly TP-R information).

This is reflected in the increasingly frequent and targeted tax audits that tax authorities are implementing in this area.

Our team has been assisting Clients with their transfer pricing obligations for years. We have extensive knowledge of the regulations and principles of creating tax documentation. We also have substantial experience in the implementation of TP projects, also from the perspective of participation in audit proceedings and disputes with tax authorities in the TP area.

As part of our services, we thoroughly analyse our Client’s situation with respect to TP obligations, prepare transfer pricing documentation, including local and master files, and develop and update marketability analyses(benchmarking). We also provide assistance in meeting reporting obligations, and upon request, we can audit tax documentation from previous years.

Transfer pricing isn’t just about meeting documentation or reporting requirements. It’s a critical business area that influences the determination of market terms of remuneration, especially in dealings with related parties. We excel in supporting our Clients with sound business planning, which includes price calculation methodology (verifying and establishing market level of charges), developing transfer pricing policies, and mitigating potential risks

Tax proceedings and tax disputes

We represent our Clients during tax audits, assessment proceedings, as well as at further stages of court proceedings, including proceedings involving criminal fiscal liability.

We provide comprehensive support. Our team comprises advisors and specialists with backgrounds in tax administration, including inspection authorities. We also work closely with experienced lawyers well-versed in KKS cases.

We know that tax disputes and the prospect of years-long proceedings can raise many questions and concerns on the part of taxpayers. It is crucial to involve the advisor as early as possible in a potential dispute with the authority. We value honest and open communication based on mutual trust, therefore sharing the Client’s factual situation and what might happen in the later stages of an audit or dispute.

This allows us to develop together a strategy for handling the case in advance. We take care of securing the formal course of the inspection or proceedings and ensure the active participation of our specialists in communication with the authority: meetings with officials, submission of requests for evidence, submission of relevant explanations or requests for consideration of additional documents.

Many times our experience and intuition in handling such cases have translated into a positive resolution for Clients – very often already at the stage of tax inspection.

Transaction consulting

Our experienced professionals help Clients make the best decisions, whether they are buying or selling a business, shares, real estate, or intangible assets.

We provide comprehensive services to any Client seeking to successfully navigate a purchase or sale transaction:

  1. Legal advice: drafting contracts, participating in negotiations on the content of documents and ensuring the confidentiality of the transaction.
  2. Tax advice: selecting the most advantageous transaction approach, identifying potential tax consequences and risks, conducting a thorough due diligence analysis and professional asset valuation.

By choosing to work with KrafTax, our Clients gain the assurance that their planned transaction will proceed smoothly, thanks to risk minimization. This not only enhances the likelihood of achieving the intended business benefits but also ensures a trouble-free experience throughout the process.

Business reorganizations

In the ever-changing economic and legal landscape, business owners must constantly adapt to unforeseen events and often make difficult business decisions regarding the future, development or succession of their enterprise.

Our extensive experience and years of practice make us valuable partners in the growth of our Clients’ businesses. Hundreds of successful reorganizations prove that our active support and strategic involvement in such activities lead to tangible benefits and security for our Clients.

Understanding a company’s objectives enables us to develop the most advantageous tax and legal solutions. Practical analyses, supported by thorough calculations and projections, enable our Clients to make informed and prudent decisions.

As we move forward, we work with law firms, accountants and valuation experts to ensure the comprehensive implementation of the solutions chosen by the Client.

Whether it’s the conversion of sole proprietorships, in-kind contributions or ZCPs, holding structures, divisions and spin-offs, Estonian CIT or establishing a family foundation, we know them all. Our experts are ready to present our Clients with tailor-made solutions.

Tax scheme reporting (MDR)

Since 2019, taxpayers and business tax services professionals have been confronted with the need to identify potential tax scheme reporting (MDR) obligations.

Although the concept of a tax scheme is defined in regulations, it unfortunately lacks sufficient guidance on what constitutes such a scheme. It is therefore necessary to carefully analyze the facts in relation to the statutory prerequisites. Everyday transactions or business decisions made by entrepreneurs, as well as multi-stage, complex reorganization processes, could be considered a tax scheme.

It’s crucial to note that a tax scheme doesn’t necessarily involve illegal activities or aggressive optimizations. However, the obligation to report them understandably raises concerns, particularly due to the substantial penalties threatened for failure to report a tax scheme (potentially reaching multimillion fines).

Moreover, any large business (with revenues or costs exceeding PLN 8 million) should establish its individual procedures for identifying and reporting potential schemes.

Several years of MDR practice have equipped us with extensive experience in reporting tax schemes. We holistically manage the MDR aspect for our Clients, encompassing tasks such as identifying and reporting schemes, and creating due diligence procedures to shield board members and business owners from liability.

Furthermore, we share our insights through training sessions for lawyers, accounting and financial services personnel, as well as executives and management-level employees.

Tax training

Our team is composed of specialists and experts in their fields who are eager to share their knowledge and practical experience.

We have collaborated with leading and reputable training companies for many years. We also deliver lectures at universities and post-graduate studies, as well as at courses organized by the Association of Accountants in Poland.

We conduct regular training sessions for our valued Clients – both in-person and online. Upon request, we can design customized training for selected groups and industries.
